Saturday, May 16, 2009

It Always Had to be EQUAL

One of the stories I told at Mom's ("Grammy" for this post) funeral:

When we had the McDonald’s office, Mom worked part-time, helping by doing accounting, like adding spreadsheets or looking for errors, counting coupons or gift certificates redeemed. In exchange, she was paid $12,000 per year, plus health insurance. I don’t remember her EVER getting a raise; it was always that $12,000. This was what she kept separate and called “her money”. It didn’t have to go for normal bills; she could do with it what she wanted. She would buy clothes or do something special. But most of the time, she would use it for her kids or grandkids. Since that time, she has always given to her grandchildren or great-grandchildren and her philosophy was that it always had to be EQUAL. If someone needed a new pair of shoes or school clothes, Mom would be making sure that everyone got the same $50 or $100, to get whatever they needed.

She never played "favorites". We were ALL her favorite!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kick Off

My grandmother, Grammy as you can probably tell by the title, kept a diary for as much of her life as I an remember (and I will be 40 next week). Although we lost her just a few days ago, this blog can provide a way for us to share our memories and perhaps even some of her thoughts as a tribute to her.